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Where's the Sauce?!?

The rattling of pots moving from stove to dishwasher awakened my weary senses to full alert. “What are you doing?” I exclaimed as I bolted from my recliner in a mad dash to the kitchen.

“You didn’t throw out the sauce for the meatballs, did you?”

The wry grin told me he had before he ever confessed that he thought there wasn’t much left in the pot anyway.

“I wish you wouldn’t help me so much!” I said as I grinned back at the love of my life who more often than not heaps himself with his spouse’s wrath when he so often tries to love me well by “helping.”

It had been a rough night for us both. The wind and rain lashing against the bedroom windows along with the flashes of lightening and crashes of thunder, drew us both out of bed with a “might-as-well-get-up-and-do-something” attitude about the raging storm outside.

I’m sure the memory of our night was one of the motivations for Hubby to tender-heartedly give his best effort in his own tiredness in cleaning up the kitchen for me. I had made and served lunch and sleepily told him I was heading to the living room with dessert so I could sit in a more comfortable chair. I intended to let the meatball sauce cool down before putting it away until we had another meal of meatballs.

My dear Hubby’s efforts to help, which incidentally, he never seems to tire of, reminds me of our well-intended efforts when we as God’s children try to “help.” We sometimes get ahead of God in thinking we know just what God has in mind for us so we do our best to “help.” But the thing is, because God has given us free will, when we throw out the sauce, there’s no getting it back.

The good news, is, in all these things, God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. I don’t think our heavenly Father minds too much when we sometimes run a wee bit ahead of him, especially because he knows we are well-intended. Thankfully, God knows our heart and he knows when we mess up out of a heart of love, or a heart of hurry.

After 21 years of marriage, I know my dear husband works in everything he does, for my good. He just loves me that much.

I am, of all wives, most blessed.

I am, of all God’s children, most blessed.

I hope you are too.

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

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