"See, I am doing a New Thing"
Hello friends, I have an important announcement to make in place of my blog post today. During the past few weeks, our heavenly Father as been leading me into deeper quiet times with Him. I feel like he is calling me, either temporarily or permanently to expand the intentional time we spend together each day. I believe the quiet time he is calling me to is quieting the stimulation of social media and writing obligations so that I can focus more fully on the ministry and community he has given me locally here in northern Minnesota.
As most, or all, of you know, my time serving the UMC is coming to a close. I am serving as supply/interim pastor until such time as God calls me elsewhere or the District of the UMC where I serve appoints another pastor to the church.
This leaves me with a keen sense of unsettledness which has been more taxing than I first realized it might be. I believe this is why God is calling me to be more intentional locally, and for that, I need to exercise more discernment on what he would have me release. My weekly blog is just one of those things.
This website will still be active and you can feel free to connect with me here, or if you have my email addres (which I believe most of you do), please feel free to email me any time.
I have appreciated hearing that some of you look foward to Wednesday morning anticipating a blog. For the most part, I have enjoyed writing them. I feel like now I am being called to step back from writing of any kind at least for a while so that I am available to wherever God is taking me on this next phase of our journey together.
I feel confident that this is where God is leading, but I tend to second-guess myself and would appreciate your prayers as I seek his perfect will in all things. Thank you for each prayer!
Before I go, I want to tell you that I have just finished reading Davey Blackburn's book called, "Nothing is Wasted." I highly recommend it.
Romans 15:13
Love always.
Your sister in Christ
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. - Hebrews 12:1